Wine degustation evening − Noël Vérin "Il peint des poèmes et écrit des tableaux"
Wednesday 11th of april 2018 from 6 to 9 p.m.
We have the pleasure of inviting you to taste Terres de Templiers wine from Banyuls during a private sale while contemplating our new exhibition "Il peint des poèmes et écrit des tableaux" ("He paints poems and writes paintings") of Noël Vérin. This special evening will take place on the 11th of april 2018 from 6 to 9 p.m.

Exhibition ending Entre pesanteur et légèreté, du nadir au zénith and signature of Pascale Courbot's catalogue
Thursday 15th of February from 6pm
Dear friends, the exhibition Entre Pesanteur et Légèreté du nadir au zénith of Pascale Courbot and Odette Lecerf is ending and the artworks of Pascale Courbot will soon go to the University of Technologie of Varna in Bulgaria.
For this occasion a catalogue has been edited in 100 copies that Pascale will sign for you at the exhibition's ending evening.
We will be waiting for you on Thursday 15th of February from 6pm around drinks and food.

Invitation Salon Comparaison - Groupe de Kim Sang Lan - Installations libres, stand C25
14th to 18th of February 2018
Pascale Courbot will be waiting for you for the Salon Comparaison which is a part of Art Capital at the Grand Palais from the 14th to the 18th of February 2018.Peintres, sculpteurs, graveurs, photographes, architectes, talents reconnus ou en devenir, 2000 artistes confirmés ou émergeants, de toutes nationalités et de toutes tendances font de cette manifestation artistique une vitrine exceptionnelle de tous les courants de la production actuelle.
Painters, sculptors, engravers, photographers, architects... 2000 new or already appreciated artists from all nationalities and from all trends will make of this artistic fair an incredible glassdoor to all different movements.

PHOTODESSIN AU SALON - Collective exhibition at Villa Violet
Saturday 10th of February 2018 from 11am to 9pm/ Sunday 11th of February 2018 from 11am to 7pm Until the 30th of march 2018
Véronique Durruty invites you to discover the exhibition PHOTODESSIN AU SALON . The 8 artists ,Véronique Durruty Dominique Albertelli • Renaud Bargues • Thibault Franc • Olivier Placet • Laurent Sebes Kaoru Tsuzawa • Matthieu Venot will exhibit their artworks there.

Book signing by Philippe Lecerf - At Galerie Lehalle
8th of February 2018 from 6pm
Galerie Lehalle planned a book signing session around drinks with Philippe Lecerf for his book "Aux origines de la bible, Abraham était-il Zoroastrien?". The session will take place during the exhibition "Entre légèreté et pesanteur, du nadir au zénith", which is a collective exhibition of Pascale Courbot and Odette Lecerf.